Grow Your Business in One of the Midwest’s Premier Development Destinations
Most locations offer one clear advantage to businesses, whether that’s people, transportation access, affordable land, or low operating costs. Knox County, Illinois packs all that and more into a single location that also happens to be one of the most business-friendly counties within a half-day of Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Des Moines, and within a day of 104+ million consumers.

104+ million people within 600 miles

410,000+ workers within 1-hour drive

2 major airports less than an hour away

3 nearby interstates
Get there faster
Knox County is where several of America’s busiest Class 1 rail routes meet a fluid interstate highway, so inputs arrive faster and finished goods get to market more quickly. If your business has a need for heavy air cargo or barges, both are less than an hour away. We have the transportation assets of a major metro area without the cost or congestion of large cities.

A Large, Skill-Diverse Labor Pool
Efficient transportation makes it easier for workers to get to Knox County, and every day thousands of workers commute across the region’s linked metro areas. In fact, 410,000 workers live within an hour’s drive and freely commute via car or Amtrak. They grew up around family members who worked in manufacturing and ag, and inherited their pride in a solid day’s work. They’re proud beneficiaries of our remarkable educational infrastructure, too. Learn more...

Room to Grow
Knox County has wide-open stretches of land in prime sites along transportation arteries, as well as top-quality existing structures perfect for repurposing. Either way, extremely low real estate costs mean you’ll get more and pay less for it. Your company’s workers will enjoy an exceptional cost-to-quality of life ratio.

Big Welcome Mat
We encourage you to talk with any of the company leaders who have brought their business here. You’ll hear how warmly they were welcomed and the surprising level of cooperation and assistance they’ve received from local officials and companies. In Knox County, you’ll work directly with top decision-makers and minimal red tape. You’ll find everything you need … and want … right here in Knox County, Illinois.
Ideal Location

Our Champion Investors

Our Leader Investors