New Ventures Find Fertile Ground in Knox County
Find Resources for Your Success
You’ve got a great idea for a business. Now what? Working with the KCAP team will allow you to break the complex process of starting a business into achievable steps. From an idea to a plan and from a plan to execution, we will work with you side-by-side throughout the startup process.

$0 cost for advisement and assistance

$2+ million in startup financing provided to date

1 Email to get started

Step One: Create a Business Plan
The Illinois Small Business Development Center specializes in getting new companies up and running by providing assistance and advice on the early stages of starting a business:
Selecting the right legal structure for your business
- developing a comprehensive business plan
- preparing your startup financials
- understanding state filing requirements
- understanding taxation
- developing a marketing plan
Accessing those services is as easy as contacting Ann Friederichs at 309-762-3999 x62243.

Step Two: Capital and Real Estate
With your completed business plan in hand, KCAP can help you find the right space to thrive and the right strategy to get funded. KCAP can with help with things like:
- finding a site or an existing building
- special financing strategies
- state and local incentives
- demographic data and traffic counts
- navigating regulatory matters
- marketing materials
For help at this stage, reach out to Ken Springer at (309) 343-1194.
We’ve included general guidance for some common situations here:
Tools and Resources
Contact: Ken Springer
Before a final location is selected for a business, it’s important to verify the zoning classification of the property and determine if the intended use is appropriate in that zoning district. Site plan review is required for new construction or additions and changes in the use of existing buildings or parking lots. Approval may also be required by the Planning and Zoning Commission for changes in use or special uses of the property. If the property is located within the local Historic District or a local landmark, approval by the Landmark Commission may be required. Contact the City of Galesburg Planning Division at (309) 345-3619 to verify and discuss zoning requirements.
For help at this stage, reach out to Ken Springer or Abby Colvin at (309) 343-1194.
If the establishment of the business will require new construction or renovations to an existing building, construction permits may be required. Please review the information on the Inspections portion of the City of Galesburg website, as well as review the FAQ for permit requirements. We suggest contacting the City of Galesburg Inspection Division at (309) 345-3619 to discuss plans with the inspectors before beginning construction to determine if permits are required.
During and upon completion of construction or renovation work, call the City of Galesburg Inspections Division at (309) 345-3619 and the Fire Marshall at (309) 345-3757 for required inspections. The City requires a final inspection of any new building, addition, or major remodel before occupancy and issues a Certificate of Occupancy after completion and meeting all legal requirements. Contact the Inspections Division at (309) 345-3619 for more information.
Check with the appropriate utility companies for utility services for your business.
- Gas/Electric – Ameren can be contacted at (800) 232,2477
- Water – City of Galesburg. Contact the City of Galesburg Finance Department at (309) 345-3663 regarding opening new accounts.
- Refuse – Waste Management can be contacted at (309) 343-0256.
- Wastewater Treatment – Galesburg Sanitary District. A permit is required from the Galesburg Sanitary District, and they can be contacted at (309) 342-0131. Any business using hazardous materials should contact the Galesburg Sanitary District to discuss their plans.
A permit is required to install, erect, repair, alter, relocate, demolish, or dismantle a sign in the City of Galesburg. Review the Sign Regulations Guide and contact the Planning Division at (309) 345-3619 to discuss allowable signs and obtain the appropriate sign permit application.
In accordance with the Knox County Food Safety Ordinance, restaurants and retail food services are subject to licensing, certification for food service sanitation managers, routine inspections, and facility plan reviews. Contact the Knox County Health Department for more information at (309) 344-2224. If a business includes the use of a sidewalk café on any portion of a city sidewalk, an annual permit application must be submitted to the City of Galesburg. Contact the Galesburg City Clerk’s Office at (309) 345-3610 for more information.
Businesses selling alcohol will need to obtain a City and State Liquor License. The City Liquor License will need to be approved prior to beginning the process of applying for a State Liquor License. For information on applying for a City of Galesburg Liquor License, contact the City Clerk’s Office at (309) 345-3610.
The City of Galesburg levies additional taxes for the sale of motor fuel, prepared food and liquor, and hotel/motel charges. A business operating in any of these classifications should review the tax forms and information found on the Finance Department’s website and contact the City at (309) 345-3646 for more information.
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity provides a Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Business in Illinois. Click here to guide.
Carl Sandburg College’s Department of Workforce Development & Community Education has partnered Ed2Go to offer non-credit online classes in business, computer applications, hospitality, fitness business management, and more. The Knox College office for career placement is also ready to welcome students into the workforce as well as be a tool for the community.
The best way is to connect with us and help us understand what your business needs. With one meeting, our team will determine where you are at along the startup pathway and we’ll identify resources to get you across the finish line. Reach out anytime. Ken Springer.