Our Tools Will Bring Your Project to Profitability Quicker
You’ll Feel Supported By Business-Friendly Officials & Community Partners
Knox County is more than pro-industry. Our communities are led by industry, with local employers playing key roles in economic development and government operations. The Knox County Area Partnership (KCAP) is at the table, convening conversations between local and state government, education providers, funding sources, and employers to address community needs.
104+ million people within 600 miles
410,000 workers within 1-hour drive
2 international airports less than an hour away
1 interstate and 2 US highways serve the community
Responsive & Responsible
Knox County governments are responsive agencies, not plodding bureaucracies. Local leaders have earned a reputation for fast turnaround with permitting and other issues, as well as minimal fees and low taxes. Thanks to the partnership between government, the private sector, and our county’s economic development team, we’ve been able to achieve innovative solutions to address the needs of local employers.
Generous Incentives
Because we recognize the importance of private-sector investment, Knox County and Illinois are ready to support new and existing companies with a broad range of tax and other incentives. Options include Enterprise Zones with credits and exemptions for a variety of investments, the City of Galesburg’s revolving loan fund, abatements on real property improvements, and fee waivers on many local permits. Locating in the Galesburg Enterprise Zone will give your company access to a 100% property tax abatement on improvements and new construction, a sales tax exemption on building materials, and zero-cost permits from the City of Galesburg. We also have revolving loan financing tools and a unique $2,000 per job grant available for companies that create more than 50 full time jobs and invest more than $1 million. The KCAP team can discuss your needs and help you identify what’s available to you. Contact Us!
Additional Information
Contact: Ken Springer ken@knoxpartnership.com